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Unif ied Missions For Christ


This Ministry is based on the true scriptures regarding the spiritual awakening of the end times as a product of the Unity of the Church and inspired by a powerful movement of Christian Unity that has consolidated in recent years in Cali, Colombia.​


To this effect, there is a film documentary entitled Transformations, produced in 1999 by Global Net Productions, which reveals in elaborate detail the results of the unity among the pastors of this city’s Churches, the nearly 3 million people, a Christian population exceeding 15% of the people, and more than 300 churches.


We will be a ministry with a missionary and apostolic character that will promote revival with the power of the Holy Spirit. in creating unity in churches across the Chicago land area to impact Chicago. In developing and implementing unification strategies with passion and compassion for souls according to the heart of God to fulfill the command of Mathew 28: 19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen


To channel and promote the spiritual revival of unity in Chicago through the UMC service to the churches of Chicago in different areas, and the teaching and implementation of The Jesus plan of John 17: 6-18 to Evangelize, Care, create Disciples and Commission for the common goal that unites them.

The Jesus Plan

Making disciples like Christ

It is a method or strategy of reaching, multiplying and developing new disciples following the path of Jesus set here on earth as summarized in John 17: 2-18.

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